American Expatriate Costa Rica

Video confirms increase in tapir sightings in communities

Tapir sightings are increasingly common in communities bordering Corcovado National Park, according to Carlos Madriz, reserve administrator.

From January 2017 to date, they have received three reports, two in the last month and although it seems like a small number, Madriz said that it is strange for these animals to leave the park.

In a video recorded by Evaristo Pomares, from Los Angeles community of Drake, you can see a tapir in the middle of the road, confused, moving from side to side when seeing a vehicle, and then it decides to move away.

Madriz explained that they are surprised at this situation.

It’s rare to see tapirs walking out of the park into communities. We are surprised by these last two. We received one today in the sector of the upper part of Cañaza and the other in the sector of Drake,”

said Madriz.

The administrator of Corcovado National Park indicated that tapirs are very large mammals and it is uncommon to see them in herd. They are in pairs or by themselves.