American Expatriate Costa Rica

Volunteers planted 120 trees to create biological corridor

Guanacaste Volunteers planted 120 trees last Saturday to create a biological corridor in Liberia. Jorge Mejía, ecologist and project leader, said that this is the beginning of a planting project that they hope to do every 15 days.

We sow them in the eastern part of Liberia, in a neighborhood called Martina Bustos. We have the idea of ​​sowing throughout Liberia, seeing that it is a very dry place, with deforested areas, the idea of ​​reforesting was born to make it more beautiful,”

explained Mejías.

On Saturday, they planted four different species, donated by the Costa Rica Azul Association, which is part of the program.

In this first planting 30 people participated, but the group extended to 55. Thank God we have sponsors who have been involved in the cause, people have been very motivated,”

he added.

The next tree planting is scheduled for October 12th and Mejía hopes to make a kind of “lung” in several cantons of Guanacaste.

The idea is to do this every 15 days because it is not just a neighborhood. We will start with a small reserve, a biological cord. The idea is to start with Liberia and then move on to the next canton that is Bagaces because we want to create a corridor between cantons,”

explained Mejías.

If you wish to join this project as a sponsor or volunteer, you can contact Jorge Mejía at 6403-1217.