American Expatriate Costa Rica

Volunteers planted 75 trees in La Sabana

As part of a project for the rearrangement of La Sabana Metropolitan Park, more than 150 volunteers planted about 75 trees on Saturday. This was the third planting day that takes place this year and this time the volunteers came from the Costa Rican Gerontological Association (Ageco).

Now, the project has more than 3,702 volunteers for 50 days or 18,169 hours of work.

In this third planting day we continue with the intervention of the southern sector of La Sabana. Today we planted species such as mahogany, Hormigo, Sabana oak, and Ceibo Barrigón. We even incorporated some Madroño trees and sweet cedar, two very representative species for their striking blooms,”

said Armando Soto, technical coordinator for Rearborización de La Sabana project.

The goal of the project is to turn this capital city lung into the ideal ecosystem for native species to develop their life cycle within the park.

The intervention of La Sabana began in 2011 and now it’s 93% compelte. With the planting of these 75 new trees, the project comes closer to the goal of planting 5,000 new individuals before the end of 2019.