American Expatriate Costa Rica

Warning over increase in flow of Grande de Tárcoles River

The Municipal Commission of Emergencies of Garabito made a call to the villagers to be alert, due to the increase in the flow of the Grande de Tárcoles River.

According to the committee, the levels are higher than normal, so they remain vigilant.

In this situation, the villagers are asked to follow these recommendations:
-For the neighbors of Playa Azul, remember rainfall is not necessary in this area for the river to overflow, as the flow is contributed by the rains of the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM).
-For people engaged in tourist activities in the river, refrain from taking tours on the river in the face of the threat of sudden floods and strong currents.

-On the other hand, tourists in general, refrain from entering the banks of the canal due to the presence of crocodiles and instability of slopes that could precipitate into the stream.
-Finally, the Local Committee of Emergency of Playa Azul, be attentive, have active channels of communication and established protocols and recommendations of evacuation.