American Expatriate Costa Rica

What to expect from Otto today?

Storm Otto wreaked havoc in several areas of the country. Upala, Bagaces and Limón are the most affected so far.

The center of the tropical storm is already more than 90 kilometers away from Liberia into the Pacific waters. According to experts, Otto will continue to move away from the country but the effects will continue.

Otto is going away to the west and it will follow that path. For today the influence will be minimal or zero, but the Pacific coast will experience wind gusts and major rains,”

stated Juan Diego Naranjo from the National Meteorological Institute.

According to the experts, there is a remote possibility that the phenomenon takes a turn in its trajectory.

It can be intensified, but it would be offshore. It is a low possibility and it would be out of the territory. We can say that the worst thing already happened and it was when the storm crossed the country,”

ended Naranjo.

Today there will rains and winds in Guanacaste, Limón and Zona Norte.