American Expatriate Costa Rica

Will San Carlos road be finished this year?

The construction of the road to San Carlos resembles those dark tunnels where it is difficult to find the exit.

The project, which started 12 years ago, persists with multiple issues that must be solved to become a reality.

A report submitted by the government authorities to Procarretera Association states that the central section of the route suffers from 73 points with geotechnical faults. Of these, almost 50% haven’t been solved

These failures are included in 4 out of the 29 kilometers of the central section that connects Ciudad Quesada with Sifón de San Ramón.

There is a recent geotechnical fault due to the constant rains that have affected the sector in the last weeks. According to the report, it is located on Laguna bridge, where a fault was recently resolved.

At the moment, it is not possible to continue with the works at the site where La Laguna-La Culebra 2 wetland is located; environmentalists filed an writ of amparo against a presidential decree validating the continuity of the work.

The construction has a progress of 85%. The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has already started working on the road,

confirmed the report.

Regarding the central section, the government will request 2 extra budgets to address geotechnical failures, instead of continuing the work.

As for the southern side (Sifón-San Miguel de Naranjo), the approved, pre-design plans would be delivered on February 7th. In addition, the northern side (Ciudad Quesada-Florencia) would be ready in January 2018. Work continues normally.