The World Health Day was celebrated on Satruday. Therefore, the Scaffolding School of Movement gave free classes of AntiGravity for beginner adults at its headquarters in Escazú.
The day was scheduled to begin at 8:30 am with an AntiGravity class taught by the director of the School, Melania Fernández, who brought that New York suspension training franchise to Costa Rica.There were also Flying Festival classes taught by two other teachers from the school.
Scaffolding School of Movement is an educational space of physical and artistic activity, where dance classes and AntiGravity disciplines are taught (such as pilates, yoga and airbarre). In the framework of World Health Day we wanted to extend our healthy offer to people who are not currently students of the school so that they can also celebrate their health,”
said Fernández.
AntiGravity is a low impact discipline whose main benefit is decompressing the vertebrae of the spine while working the arms, abdomen, back, legs, glutes and emotional health.