Constancio Gribaudo
As part of a trip throughout Central America, yoga guru Constancio Gribaudo, will visit four provinces of Costa Rica to give talks and workshops.
The goal is to share his knowledge and positive messages to contribute to the improvement of life and the well-being of people through yoga and other healthy practices.
He is currently one of the main representatives of the Universal Great Brotherhood Network (GFU Network), an organization that works for the development of a healthy fraternity of the human being, in the realm of the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects, promoting all the potentialities of the human being. One of the tools to achieve this is the practice of yoga. It has more than 70 years of founding and it is represented in 25 countries in the world.
Gribaudo will be here until September 10th, as part of his pilgrimage, to share activities with the public under the thematic axis “building happiness and harmony in consciousness”, “The art of living better”, “The three eyes of knowledge” and “Consciousness without borders, your shadow is also you.”
San José, Heredia, Cartago and Limón, are part of his agenda.
The expectation of the arrival of the guru is to reach out to the community by promoting culture, healthy lifestyles, with the purpose of creating greater awareness of oneself and without doubt yoga is one of the tools to achieve it. The presence of the guru is an excellent opportunity to communicate these issues from an individual and cultural practice,”
said José Fabio Castillo, representative of the GFU Network in Costa Rica.
The Argentine travels the world to share his knowledge. He has devoted his life to service and he is an internationally recognized yoga professor. With almost 70 years on this earth, he also found an ecological neighborhood, Piedras de Sol, in Argentina.